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Sala 46 APe


O clamor pela família


Uma sala de intercessores 

A sala 46 é um projeto desenvolvido por cristãos que buscam a presença de Deus nas primeiras horas da manhã. O objetivo principal desse grupo é o clamor pelas famílias.


Decida hoje ser um intercessor!

Clique no botão abaixo e cadastre em nossa lista de intercessores. Você exercita sua comunhão intercedendo por quem precisa de um milagre.


Envie seu pedido de oração!

Preencha o formulário e faça seu pedido especial de oração, nossa equipe irá interceder por você e seu propósito.

Robert Rose

This is your Testimonial section paragraph. It’s a great place to tell users how much you value your customers and their feedback.

Alex Smith

This is your Testimonial section paragraph. It’s a great place to tell users how much you value your customers and their feedback.

Drew Carlyle

This is your Testimonial section paragraph. It’s a great place to tell users how much you value your customers and their feedback.

Jessica Davis

This is your Testimonial section paragraph. It’s a great place to tell users how much you value your customers and their feedback.


Mural da Gratidão

Robert Rose

This is your Testimonial section paragraph. It’s a great place to tell users how much you value your customers and their feedback.

Alex Smith

This is your Testimonial section paragraph. It’s a great place to tell users how much you value your customers and their feedback.

Drew Carlyle

This is your Testimonial section paragraph. It’s a great place to tell users how much you value your customers and their feedback.

Jessica Davis

This is your Testimonial section paragraph. It’s a great place to tell users how much you value your customers and their feedback.


Pedidos de oração

Por qual motivo você quer que a gente ore?

Por qual motivo você quer que a gente ore?

Horários de intercessão



Retorno dos filhos



Fortalecimento da fé dos filhos



Para que eles sirvam a Deus


Vince Taylor 

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.


Harold Colby

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Director, Legal & Operations

Tilly Evans 

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

HR Lead

Richard Jones

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Project Manager

Lucia Behar

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Sr. Project Manager

Mark T. Wright

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Sr. Project Manager

George Wood

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Lead Superintendent 

Olivia Clarke

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Marketing Manager 

Nathan Wise

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.







Gestão e acompanhamento


Conceitos de sexualidade 1

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